How to improve Crew Safety and Situational Awareness on an Armoured Vehicle

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Outacom® Tactical Vehicle Public Address (PA) System

A unique, operational, and fully MIL-STD qualified tactical vehicle public address system. Outacom® allows mounted crews, rotary wing platforms and maritime vessels to engage safely with either the public, friendly forces, or potential adversaries in either user or local indigenous language. Simple connectivity of the Noise Cancelling Microphone allows the crew to engage concisely within a radius of up to 300m via vehicle mounted External Output Modules (EOM’s).

The system is Generic Vehicle Architecture (GVA) compliant and can fully integrate into a Vehicles Electronic Architecture (EA), with sound optimized via the Line 1 socket. Outacom® is a simple plug and play system and requires minimal integration to the platform. Outacom® has been specifically
designed to fill the operational needs in the following areas:

  • DIRECT, INSTRUCT, INFORM, CONTROL, INFLUENCE the immediate local area whilst remaining protected from within the vehicle
  • Reduces risk of public disorder via direct messaging
  • Enhances Escalation of Force protocols
  • Reduces risk of unnecessary collateral damage caused by warning shots
  • Assists in safe crowd dispersal and clearance
  • Selectable automatic audio broadcast messaging in local language
  • Identify, target, and expose potential adversaries
  • Targeted local area INFO OPS and INFLUENCE OPS
  • Mounted-Dismounted Teaming – further enhanced due to better local area command and control
  • Verbal direction to maritime vessels without radio capability


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